You’ve got this.

It’s time to equip yourself with a proactive, positive discipline approach, conquer behavior issues, and learn how to better understand your little ones.

Feeling overwhelmed?

I understand! There’s so much conflicting advice out there, so where do you even start?

My teachings integrate established approaches rooted in neuropsychology, attachment theory, developmental psychology, and more. Simply put, I translate the brain science into practical examples and scripts for #reallife application.

Think you’ve tried everything, but nothing is working? These aren’t gimmicks. I don’t do “tricks and tips”. Instead, I help parents nurture an authentic relationship with themselves AND their children.

Behavior is simply the symptom.

I go beyond the symptom and get to the underlying cause - the COR.

Start here. Welcome to COR.

The quickest way to begin your journey in intentional parenting is through my international online membership community. You’ll receive an all-access pass to live coaching, on-demand workshops, a private member’s area, and more!

*2-months FREE with purchase of annual subscription. Cancel monthly subscription anytime.

Membership Perks:

  • Receive LIVE coaching! Get free admission to a “hot button” bi-weekly workshop and learn easy-to-implement strategies and mindset shifts of common parenting challenges. Even better, you’ll also get exclusive members-only Q&A time to answer YOUR requests and free access to any other monthly workshops offered.

  • Gain unlimited access to Caley’s most popular and most impactful digital content inside of The Vault! E-books, workshops, in-depth posts, and private blog articles will be categorized and organized for your quick reference! Get the support you need when you need it the most.

  • You’ll gain access to a private online group, facilitated by Caley to receive sound advice and support from like-minded individuals. This is the “safe space” you’ve been looking for to grow yourself as an intentional parent.

  • Scripts, charts, reminders, encouragement…you name it! Every month you will receive an exclusive tool of affirmation, self-regulation/reflection, or parenting strategy that you can instantly integrate into your daily life.

Safe Place. Inspiring Space. Science Based.

Join the vast community of parents just like you learning how to become confident leaders.

New Podcast Release

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Private Parent Consulting & Coaching

Equip yourself with a proactive, positive discipline approach, conquer behavior issues, and learn how to better understand your little ones.

The Parent-Implemented, Intensive Early Intervention Program for Young Children

  • As a parent, play can feel daunting. The Play Project™ identifies the ways your child loves to play and teaches you how to enter that play. You will learn how to build joyful interactions together to increase connection and social skills.

  • The Play Project™ has dozens of research studies to show improvement in the parent-child relationship and increase adaptive social skills. It has passed through the rigorous academic process to be accepted as an intensive-developmental early intervention that can significantly improve a child’s and family’s quality of life.

  • Play is how children explore, learn, and connect with their world. We teach parents how to observe their child’s play and enter into their child’s world. This shared connection creates harmony, cooperation, and provides a foundation upon which parents can support skill acquisition and developmental growth.

“Children must never work for our love, they must rest in it.”

— Gordon Neufeld